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Will Wyckoff Releases Chilpancingo Connection 2nd edition.

In 2012 Mr. Wyckoff self published through a publisher that is now no longer in business his true crime literary work Chilpancingo Connection. Based on the brutal murder of one of his daughters and the pursuit of true justice.

Mr. Wyckoff copy wrote Chilpancingo in late 2012 with the publishing company he had signed with at that point in time. As the years past, Mr. Wyckoff could see the availability to purchase his literary works on several online book store merchants, but hadn't seen any dividends from any sales. Through countless attempts to contact the publishers, Mr. Wyckoff received no answer from the publishing company or any of it's representatives. In 2018 the publishing company forfeited its license to conduct business. State records through Maryland secretary of state proved Mr. Wyckoff's suspicions the publishing company he had chosen formally known by Publish America then made to look as though it was bought out to another company. In reality, the forfeiture of their license to conduct business was about to be revoked. Among the owners, directors, board members, etc. Publish America changed it's name through a buyout by Star America.

Through time, Mr. Wyckoff soon gained knowledge with the help of his grandson Mr. McCoy. The copyright Mr. Wyckoff was lead to believe Publish America had obtained, represented and displayed in truth never existed in any public records. Chilpancingo Connection was still listed for sale on several online merchants. Even one merchant had allowed the publication on their site for a fee download. With the full support of his grandfather. Mr. McCoy worked hard to correct what publishing nightmare his grandfather had to face. With wholehearted true intentions, Mr. McCoy was able to have the what was thought to be public works deemed solely copywritten to Will Wyckoff. Through the grace of God and probably luck, Mr. McCoy had stashed a autographed copy addressed to his mother of Chilpancingo Connection away after reading it.

Proving the copywrite would be a task, using the autographed book as evidence. Mr. McCoy sent out letters to the original publishers claiming the rights to Chilpancingo Connection attaching images of the copyright page showing Will Wyckoff as the copyright holders as of 2012, the inside of the front cover containing the autograph and forward to Mr. McCoy's Mother, a current picture of Mr. Wyckoff that has no one asking questions. The copyright held it's authority. Mr. Wyckoff can continuing his literary work with ease knowing his true crime novel is owned by himself. The 1st edition of Chilpancingo Connection is safe from free downloads protected by the copyright owned by Mr. Wyckoff.

To one family member who at that time in his life was lost, broken an afraid to the family member who unknowingly inspired him, taught great skills of survival, showed great works of beading crystals, beaded bracelets and more. Mr.

McCoy stepped up to aid his grandfather. Not just as a thank you for the influences and knowledge. To help preserve his grandfathers legacy, literary works along side the reasonings.

After nine years, Mr. Wyckoff is releasing his second edition of Chilpancingo Connection, a must read true crime novel. Murder, mystery, and a chase after the true killer.

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